
Thats it, just lonely.


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3 responses to “Lonely

  1. Don’t plan on offing myself just yet.

    just lonely, realized that I have no friends in the area, just business associates. Was so busy working for years that I do not know anyone really and most I do not have anything in common with except business.

    After the treachery with those people and helping with their property and someone associated with their property, I realize just how truly alone I really am. Where I am right now, is not where I wanted to be at all. I need to be working the land, working with the land, planting extra veggies for the animals, making my own winter shelter. Things I want to be doing, sharing, being in the Wilderness.

    Seriously thinking of just packing it in and heading North. In the Bush I am never lonely, close to God in the Wilderness, feel at home there.

  2. Hi Wilderness Return……I hope by now you aren’t feeling as low as when you wrote “Lonely”. I truly understand ……Farmgal is right – we all have lows and highs. Myself, I try to be positive and grateful. If nothing else, I’m grateful we live in Canada were there IS lots of wilderness. I’d hate to live in the U.S. or Pakistan….
    But sometimes a person just longs to talk to another human being – about what we did today, our hopes, our plans, our dreams…..
    Hang in there…..tomorrow is another day.

  3. Been There,

    So how was your day? What was your high today? what was your low?

    Hmmm, My day was different then I planned, Thought I would just be having a regular friday instead ended up visting at the end of the lane for hour and half, put on a nice dress, went to town with supper, even rented a movie for later tonight.

    My low of the day, another grey day (come back sunshine), the pain in my momma’s voice when I talked to her today (she needs that surgery that is planned for june) and that when I came home my lab had taken down a box of started bedding plants and I lost a good number of them, you would think after 13 years of knowing she is a counter surfer, that I would not forget these things..

    My highes of the day, watched a beautiful robin sing on a fence post, made my first potato salad of the summer, got a lovely card in the mail with a letter.

    Hug your puppy and hope that your night is good!

So What do you think?