Tag Archives: folding bike

Different Types of Bags and Plans

So, It dawned on me today that most people do not know of the different types of Bags and Bag plans and designs there were.

BOB – Bug Out Bag
this is usually the very biggest one, the one with everything and the makeshift kitchen sink
This is the one you might want to have a vehicle for, or at the very least a bicycle with a trailer!

GO Bag – Grab Bag
this is the one in the vehicle, for when your vehicles stops working, the traffic is totally snarled up, the EMP pulse just stopped most everything in its tracks.
This back is the grab out of the vehicle and get back home bag, this is just designed to get you home;
light pack, hiking shoes, 1 or 2 days light rations (food), some water, maybe a drinking straw, emergency tube tent or emergency blanket,
two knives, telescopic pole for jumping over streams or hitting people with, some other small items you get the picture here, light and quick.  MAP, two alternate routes to get home or to bug out location
Objective – lightweight, quick and fast get out and get going

DODGE – get out of Dodge bag
People mix or change up the Bug Out Bag here, it is a matter of taste and personal preference
The Dodge bag, is an in-between bag, designed to have some of the stuff that the BOB has, but more than the GO Bag.  This is the lets get to the Bug out location quickly bag

Bug in Bag, or Battle Bag
This is the special bag for when you stay put, it has defensive and offensive items in there, maybe web gear, firearms, ammo, food, water, knives, anything that you need to keep holding onto the fort. Duct Tape, and more Duct Tape! Canada Eh..

There are a few others, will update at a later time.

As you can see though, the different sizes depend on the end goals in mind. You do not need to have a 100 pound pack in your car just to get home. You might however have a folding bike or a dissembled Mountain Bike though with packs.

It boils down to need, practicality and objective.




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