Tag Archives: journal entry

Editor Finally!

Finally someone said they would edit my stories and actually followed through!!!

Watch for the Divergent Journal series to be reposted with the editing done. A great example would be ‘The Van’ to the van… sorry LL…. 😉

For the next few days though I am still moving and selling off my business equipment, so forgive the wait time.

ps.. the last free form poem~writing, sparked a lot of private email, be brave and leave you message on the page!

For the meantime watch my latest video in the Disasters of Prep Cooking Series.. well not a series, but since I go from memory instead of directions for food cooking… well !!

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Filed under Blog post, Books, Novella Divergent Waking, Writing, Writing Free Form

Ch 14 Apes & Dogs

Sitting here now, listening to the soft pitter patter of the rain on the canopy roof, sipping the coconut water, watching the primates interact, I smile, my heart is heavy but I watch the little Gorilla and Orangutang, watch them teeter towards one of their relatives close to each other and I know, this is the right thing to do!

Well maybe I am just a little insane now, who knows but my idea sounds nuts even to me now! Teach the Apes how to forage in the surrounding orchards and grocery stores. Build up a bio mass for heating through the winter so they do not freeze to death, and well hope everything works out and do this in the next 12-14 days then move up north before the fall sets in there. Well here goes nothing, I suppose!

We have all been keeping an eye on each other, the Orangutangs watch the Gorillas, and I watch them, and they watch me and each other, kinda like keystone cops. Since letting all the apes, elephants and everyone else that was left, we have all been sitting around outside watching each other and getting to know the new outside places for ourselves.

It was sink or swim time, if we are going to get along, if they will let me show them were the food is, if they let me work on the enclosures to make them winterized, we all just have to take some time to sit and get used to each other. Luckily they seem used to humans, they must have seen dogs as they just watch the dogs play by themselves or watch the dogs as they watch them. Funny lots of watching going on, as well as foraging.

Since I am sitting here with the laptop working on the journal and looking up the info that is needed for the Jean Pain Method of Bio Heating, the primates seem interested in the sound of the keyboard as I work on the journal entry. Two of the littlest ones keep coming closer to peek at what I am doing, while the mothers keep shifting themselves over to be closer to the little ones and watch me at the same time.

I told the dogs to lay-down and be good, just watch and listen, well Zeldy is the one having the hardest time. She is the youngest of all of them and had a bad time until I got her from the rescue place. She is trying her damnedest, but she just wants to play and romp around. The little apes are moving closer to her now, she is watching them with the same zeal that she would a human baby/kid.. lets go and play already she is squirming and thinking out loud, I swear!

Well she could not hold herself any longer, got up quickly and licked the little apes on the faces and did the lets play dance. They seemed pleased, but the troop is now acting sort of alarmed, just what I was afraid of to be honest. Well Midnight bounded up to Zeldy, licked her face and did a little play thing, and now they are off, running in circles, chasing each others tails and generally looking foolish. The little apes are squealing in delight,and the troop is settling down now, hopefully.

Well here comes the baby Orangutang long arms waving in the air, big smile as the other apes wave their arms at the dogs and him as well. Even the huge Silverback Gorilla is settling down now, and the largest of the Male Orangutangs is sitting still watching everything, pie face turned towards me and the little kids playing.

Rolling some tennis balls towards the ape kids, some get snatched up by Zeldy and the chase is on by Midnight, closely followed by the apes, the dogs are whining and growling in play the ape kids are making weird noses and squealing in delight. Perhaps it was the little Orangutang with the huge eyes who put it all together first and threw the ball at the dogs, who snatched it up and ran back to him, so he figured out what to do first. Then the chase was on everyone running and jumping on four legs and feet, balls flying, barking and squeals all so much fun for the fur people.

Perhaps that was the moment that the two troops and my little band all relaxed together for the first time. It will take time, but it will work I thought. Looking over farther away, I spotted the baby elephant watching with those big ears twitching quickly, trunk up scenting the wind, but with big Momma in the way, protecting and blocking at the same time. Maybe next time we would have that little fellah in here too?

Today is a rest day, a play day a get to know the neighbours day tomorrow back to work, we all need the rest today though. Time to find some sticks and move off a bit to play fetch the stick for a bit, so the doggy pack knows they are loved too!

Zeldy, Calm, Calm I say quietly yet loudly at the same time. On one side of her is the baby orangutan and on the other is one of the baby Gorillas. The are both sort of petting her and holding onto her fur at the same time. Zeldy is very still, she is so good with little kids once she is settled down and calmer. Both the little apes are kinda jabbering away to her and to each other at the same time, it is priceless to watch, and I WOULD love to have a camera right now but I Dare not move in the slightest.

The troops look poised and ready for battle with each other and us if things go badly here. Zeldy licks both of the little apes hands and faces and that sends them lurching away, laughing with arms in the air waving too and fro in their short legged way of walking.

Phew.. I let my breath out even though I was not aware of having kept it in! Everyone is settling down now and going back to foraging again. Damn that was close and glad it is over peacefully now.

Dogs, lets get something to eat now OK! Well Zeldy likes to play but loves to eat, so she comes bounding past Midnight who just can’t resist a little nip at Zeldy, as she flys by. There is no contest Zeldy is the fastest here and makes it back in time to get two treats while Midnight only gets one, for now that is. She deserves another treat as well and will get one as soon as we are back at the Toy Hauler, which is parked about 20 feet away.

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Filed under Blog post, Books, Novella Divergent Waking, Writing

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 13 Family and New Friends

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 13 Family and New Friends !

Now your up to date, off to my Parents house in the Kitchener / Cambridge area which is just 30 minutes away, pick up some memories, then off to create more memories on our own I guess.

Another hour then on the way back to the Primates, Gorillas and Orangutans.

So easy to write, but so much emotion afterwards to experience.

Easy sitting here, sipping on Coconut Water and Iced Tea, we sit in the rain, it is pouring, a massive downpour that caught us all off guard, everyone is soaked through. At my Parents house it was Sunny and Clear, when I got back to the Toronto Zoo, it was sunny and clear for about 30 minutes. Then out of nowhere, the sky turned black as the clouds rolled in so quickly it took our breaths away. Then the Deluge Started (underlined and in bold as it is important)

I think High Pressure Met Low Pressure and they had a tango up there with a full orchastra conducted by Ricky Ricardo! Need to get one of those old time Weather devices, that show, High/Low/Humidity/Temperature and Date and Time. Then learn how to use it, we lost so much easy Technology with the Computer age.

Back to what happened;

When we got here, everyone else that was let was let out, let them forage for themselves for a bit before getting Supper together for the last time. The doggy pack are working together very good now, my new command to them worked like a charm, Stay Close – Guard and they did. Not sure if they think I am guarding them or they are guarding me though, but they stay close and are vigilant. All of the Animals saw us working as a group and if any got close, they were greeted with muzzles showing teeth and very loud growlings, with a shotgun pointed at them, even the Hippo’s got the message.

I have a plan formulated, kinda weird maybe for the Big Primates, but I just gotta give them a better chance at SURVIVAL. The others, Elephants, Rhinos, Hippo’s will just be let to their own devices and they can wander at will.

We are all sitting here, under the Canopy that I put up after the winds died down, there is still a slight drizzle, so the Canopy helps us out. Not too far away, the Orangutans and Gorillas are sitting in two distinct groups though close to each other under the overhang in the open enclosures. They are comfortable with each others company, keeping to their family groups and near each other for mutual protection. Some of the wee ones even come close to the dogs and I, under the watchful eyes of the mothers and the the big leader males of course.

They sit close, grooming and murmuring to each other, I sit here thinking on my Parents house and lack of any other people so far. The dogs have bonded and lay close to each other, Midnight with Crunch and Brownie with Zeldy, always paired now, close and looking in different directions, more primal and more social at the same time.

Me, I sit here with YOU, whoever you will be, someone that I find, someone that finds me, or someone that opens the journal, later! I have you to share my thoughts and feelings with, YOU and anyone who is listening to the Ham Radio broadcasting’s. I have started to write and speak at the same time, the Audio voiced into the microphone, the keys of the laptop echoing the words, putting them to paper. The other Ham and CB, along with the radio, listen for a response, any crackle from the speakers and I pause in my broadcast and writing, sometimes the dogs look a the speakers expectantly as well, but for the most part they busy themselves in other endeavours.

Here I sit, heart broken anew, this is my therapy I suppose writing it all down, then printing it out on the little laser printer to add to the Journal as it grows thicker with more papers. In the past I have been called an emotional refrigerator, a cold person, someone who does not show emotion or if only barely. Well I think that has all changed, all changed for good.

The deluge of water may have rinsed the tears from my face, but it did not touch the shadow of a heart that I have left, that is for sure.

Entering my parents house, as it sat almost virtually the same from the last time I left it. Before I got here , there was hope. Hope that maybe they would be sitting there, smiling and saying what took you so long, it is dinner time and we were waiting for you! Alas no, nobody, no sign, no notes, no nothing.

Zeldy had been bouncing up and down at the door, eager to get in to see Grandma and Grandpa, she raced around searching, questing, sniffing and then barking and whining all at the same time. The other dogs, fired up tore around with her, sniffing as well, scenting the people that had been here, the scent of Zeldy that lingered and god knows what else. Finally Zeldy sat in the middle of the living room, staring at their armchairs, whining a little then layed down staring at the empty chairs and sighed. I think she had been hoping they would be there as well, lets face it she was hoping very hard they were there too. She started bouncing as soon as she realized what street she was on and who lived there.

Even in grief, I knew time was limited, so limited for me as I had to get back here and let the rest go let the last of the mammals go free. Give them a chance at life, family and happiness, a chance that I might never have again.

Trinkets and memories;

That is what I took when I departed, I left a short NOTE and a copy of the journal for them to read, if they returned. On the note I said what I took, how to reach me and my destination for the winter!

TO zoo first
channel on CB and Ham radios for contact
North to the New Liskard Area of Ontario, North away from the Nuclear Reactors if they melt down,
North to the last known location of my Sister, she is up in the north, my buddy is in the New Liskard area, so North is where I am going, for now. North where I always felt at home, felt like I belonged the North that never left me. You may leave the North but it never leaves you. You may leave the Military but it never leaves you.

Memories of other times; Some paintings by my paternal Grandmother a photo that my paternal Grandfather took, some photos of my Dad’s Mother and Father, some photos of my parents and family including my Mothers Parents my Nanny and Pappa, other family as well from the mantel.

Some homemade jams that my mother had made a few years before and the boxed multi layered scene from the Coast of Nova Scotia that I had given to them as a gift. Two of the nice pipes I gave my Dad for the last Father’s day, a hand carved Celtic Cross (by me) that I gave my mother when she was in the hospital. Memories!

Some Memories for the future, memories of a saner time, a time with Friends, Families and People on the street, normal times.

As I closed the door I said goodby then stood there, looking around, thinking. 

Since they are in a cul de sac, I disconnected the gas from their house and from the neighbours on both sides, then loaded the shotgun with 00 buck and slugs, proceeded to shoot the electrical wires from the poles that connected the houses to the Grid. Just in case of an overload and spike. A quick trip down the hill to the neighbours house there, shotgun at the ready, since they are not the nicest of people even at the best of times, did the same to that house. Well the best I can do to see that the house does not burn down, for now!

Come on Doggies, into the Camper Toy, lets go play with some Gorillas now OK., we drove away, I did not look back.

Sitting here now, listening to the soft pitter patter of the rain on the canopy roof, sipping the coconut water, watching the primates interact, I smile, my heart is heavy but I watch the little gorilla and orangutang, watch them teeter towards one of their relatives close to each other and I know, this is the right thing to do!

all rights reserved Wild_E productions
send a message if interest in publishing these works


Filed under Novella Divergent Waking, Writing

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 12 Fires and Gorillas

Pulled up on a Ridge, stopped by the view that overlooks a part of the African Lion Safari, also visible in the distance is part of the 401, part of the 403 south, part of the Toronto Skyline and some of the lands West and North West.

Since the view was sudden and startling, it is quick update time.
My plans are altered by the sudden views and realization that my parents home might not survive too much longer. Since they are not answering, email, phones I have assumed that they are like everyone else, no more!

Reverse order Journal right now;
the view is most startling and if there had been time, perhaps I would have come to the conclusion or pre-thinking of what I am now witness too!

Fires! Fires in the distance in every direction, as far as I can see there are Fires! Some of the woods are ablaze though mostly it is the houses and buildings that burn. Perhaps it was power surges, or things plugged in or lightning strikes, or gas explosions, who knows what it was.

Now my location is only 30 minutes to my parents so a quick run over there, take a look, holler out Hellooooooo, though probably will be hollering in vain! There are some keepsakes and memento’s that should be grabbed now since we are so close. Some old photos, some paintings some trinkets to remember my family by.

Need to write out some long-term planning thoughts and ideas.
– food long-term
– living location for long-term
– travelling
– equipment for long-term
– fuel for long-term
– searching for others that survived? Continuation?
– long-term feasibility of batteries, power, communications, laptops, computers, printers, information, books, magazines, some DVD’s – Training and relaxation, music (NO RAP or Opera.. same bad words in front of nice music)
– Deal with loneliness, lack of someone to talk too
– WEATHER !!!!
– print out info, put it in binders
– transfer Journal to book format
– HEALTH -me – Dogs – other animals??
– EMP – Solar Flares & Nuclear explosions (build a Faraday Cage, large and small! )
– add into list more Propane

– DAY OFF need one or twooooo—- so exhausted! Well tomorrow will be a mostly day off! Then the following day will be a full day off for us. The dogs are tired as well, Brownie needs some bandages again and some more antibiotics, the others are looking worn out and ragged as well.

– —- more, expand list, create new chapter just for list?? put into spreadsheet???
– tomorrow, think on this stuff tomorrow, today is not yet over.

Since letting out animals and Zoo visits are in the last stages of work, there has just been too much time gone by now so survival rates will be none existent. The only sidetracks for animals now will be to open up fields and pastures where I see that some animals are still standing and grazing as I drive by.

We left the African Lion Safari Park just a few minutes ago, climbed the ridge in the Viking with the Toy Hauler and beheld the spectacle of what I can only describe as a ring of fire. The breeze is a gentle one coming in from the Northwest and the least amount of fires in that direction, so that is probably why the air is not filled with smoke.

GET a mask!! Get a mask or I will on the ground not breathing be, alone. There will be choking from the fumes as well as the smoke and my newly formed Asthma will take over in a bad way. The Toy Hauler Camper is equipped with an air conditioner that runs on propane, 12 v and 110 v, so maybe the dogs can stay in there if the smoke is too much, I will be wearing a mask and do what needs doing.
add into list more Propane

Familiarity breed speed, this time the release of all the animals, reptiles, birds and Bugs (some great big spiders and such!!!!) was much faster. Cutting corners, knowing the time is limited as well as needing to be back to feed the Primates made me speed through the whole process.

Things of note:
Baboons are like out of control teenagers! Hooligans, only the flashes of the shotgun blasts and the flash bangs keep them back. Even the dogs retreated very close to me as the are so outnumbered by that band of hooligans. Luckily for the Viking, I just used one of the beat up African Lion Safari pickup trucks to zip around in. Did this for a few reasons and one of them was remembering the incident with the Rhino back at the Toronto Zoo!

Rhinos here seem more used to being moved around and put into a direction that the handlers wanted I guess, as the truck survived, even though one of the huge black Rhinos spun around and dinged up the rear tailgate area some more, then it shuffled off, looking pleased.

Last thing on the list was open up the Elephant areas. After opening up the Elephant coral so that they could move around the park, I was composing a new message from the tape recorder that has been feeding into the CB and Ham radios. As I played back the message that was recorded at the Toronto Zoo, the Elephants all started trumpeting, shuffling and charged about 10ft closer to me.

Well, I am not afraid to tell you that we all pooped a little at that, me the dogs all of us jumped back in startlement and wonder! One minute the Elephant Herd was peaceful and grazing quietly, moving slowly along their path to the water, stopping at the odd tree for some fresh leaves, the next minute, wow! All the elephants trumpeted, formed an aggressive line moving towards us, the babies in the rear with another elephant. All ears turned towards us, heads lowered a bit, trunks swinging too and fro, lifting sod, rocks, sticks anything close and questing in our direction. Tons of angry or startled massive mammals!

What the heck just happened? Looking behind I only saw the dogs, heads lowered, eyes wide, teeth bared and growling but not moving, nothing else in view. What triggered that display of aggression or unrest? Was it the tape recordings? There was nothing else in my hand, I was listening too…. a message. Think, what else was on the recording animal sounds in the background and possibly Elephants calling to each other?

So I dared, I lifted the tape recorder up, showed it to the elephants, moved it around, took my other hand and lifted one finger up to press play. At first the only sound I heard was my voice with the recorded message, then animals in the background and Elephant Calls!!! I moved the recorder higher, moving it to my right, not moving fast just moving cautiously, all eyes on me now, Dogs and Elephants. I turned off the recorder, as the elephants reacted, though not as aggressively as a moment ago. Breath, let out a long ragged breath that I did not even know I was holding in. This herd of about 12 would trample us to nothings in the dirt if they wanted too.

Slowly I moved to a close picnic table, put the recorder on it and backed up to the pickup and dogs. The large Matriarch moved forward towards the picnic table along with 3 or 4 of the others, we retreated to the pickup, I ordered the dogs into the back of the truck bed. All of them jumped up, no complaints or hesitations, they were a little weirded out as well I think.

She lifted her trunk and eyes, searching in the distance, searching, question, eyes, kept going back to the little recorder, it was not turned on, but she was intent on a closer investigation for sure.

That was when I decided our time was done and headed back out the open gates to our moving home, the Viking and the Toy Hauler Camper, maybe I should just call the Camper,, The Toy! Not sure what happened to the tape recorder and well there are plenty around now to be picked up, but not that one!

Now your up to date, off to my Parents house in the Kitchener / Cambridge area which is just 30 minutes away, pick up some memories, then off to create more memories on our own I guess.

Another hour then on the way back to the Primates, Gorillas and Orangutans.

all rights reserved Wild_E productions
send a message if interest in publishing these works

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Filed under Novella Divergent Waking, Writing

WDJ Waking Divergent Journal Index

(WDJ) Waking Divergent Journal Index Page;
in order

3 journal books stacked one on top of the other

Journals stacked and ready to be packed

Waking Divergent Journal Day 1

Day 2 Waking Divergent Journal

Day 3 Waking Divergent Journal

Day 4 Waking Divergent

added Waking Day 4.5 Writing Exercise

Day 5 Waking Divergent

Day 6 Waking Divergent

Day 8 Waking Divergent

Day 9 part A Waking Divergent

Day 9 part B Waking Divergent

Day 9 part C Waking Divergent

Ch 10 Zoo Run Day Waking Divergent Journal

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 11 Road to Africa

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 12 Fires and Gorillas

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 13 Family and New Friends

Waking Divergent Journal Ch 14 Apes & Dogs

More to come soon …. 


Filed under Novella Divergent Waking, Survival Prepping, Waking Divergent Journal Index, Writing

Fortune Cookie says:

So it has been a long time since I made a journal entry, so here it goes. Some will be in short form, sorry to the one person who follows who does not like this style, and some will be in more of a story format.

Last night my fortune cookie said; “You make people realize that there exist other beauties in the world”

Now this is actually true, a few days ago I had an epiphany on the Meaning of Life. Now I am not so arrogant to try to start my own religion or anything like that, or to consider that this is the meaning for life for everyone in the world and universe. This was my message from the Creator/God/Universe to ME.

Working for others is hard and working with others is harder sometimes, so many egos and hidden agendas. So having a bad people day, as in shit heads were peeing in my Corn flakes, I said Universe I need a sign to stay here and not quit. Within a half an hour a large Raven swooped in front of me as I was driving, spiralled around and flew beside my cab and looked over to make sure I was watching, then sped up and swooped in front of the Rock Truck to fly up the road and disappear over the hill in front. Odd I thought, not knowing how much the creatures and the nature of the world would impact on me that night.

Eventually my slow large cumbersome Rock Truck which is a Cat 740 Rock truck with 3 axles, can carry 40 tons in the payload area, over rough terrain, crested the hill, in time to see a very large Red Fox, saunter across the road looking right in my eyes. Odd I thought, so continuing down the road, I spotted more small wildlife off in the trees, lots of birds for sure, more than normal. The time was around 6:30 ish PM, the night creatures were stirring and shift change was happening, so they felt more secure perhaps.

Pulling into the pit, I noticed the clouds were forming large big interesting shapes. As I pulled up to the Front end Loader, another Red Fox scouted past looking for food thrown from the people, he was disappointed though, as we did not through anything to him. He was funny to watch, scurrying around, his little pads and low weight barely making a dent in the soft sand, circling the moving machines, knowing how they worked and confident in his speed and agility.

As I slowly left the pit rounding the corner and heading up the long straight stretch to the active Dam building area, God/The Universe/The Creator had another awe-inspiring treat for my eyes to view, to activate my brain and make my Soul soar with delight. I looked up at the clouds, the sun peaking over the and behind the clouds, brilliant silver rays of sunlight flashing out from the cloud cover like wide laser beams, bathing the landscape all around me. Wow was all I could articulate out loud.  What a display of beauty, in that Northern land of lakes and trees, Wow.

Later that evening the spectacles continued; the day before I had seen a small black bear playing on the road, well tonight I watch another similar one, slowly saunter into the woods, then on another trip back into the pit, the Red Fox, dashing around, I caught sight of his family down in the sand dunes on another level of the pit waiting and playing for him to return. So nice so many sights to delight the soul, but the evening was not over yet.

Soon, I would see the Aura Borealis again for the fist time in 20+ years, dancing in the sky, peaking around the clouds, making a wonderous spectacle for all to see. All to see who took the time to look up in the wonderous sky, all who take the time to admire nature and the world around them even while working. For those who see more than man-made things, man make problems, man created problems, those who are awake or waking up, those who love the World/Earth/Gia love the Creator, that whom created the world God, that whom created the Universe the Universe unto itself.

similar to the aura borealis I saw

I told others that night to enjoy a moment or two of the beauty that is around us, even on a job site. In the past having told others of the beauty around my as I stand or walk or pace or sit outside while others sit in their man made dwellings shutting out the world, I enjoy what the Universe has to show me that night, teach me that night or that day. While on the phone to people, I watch birds swoop and soar, insects skitter through the wall grasses and weeds. Observe Fireflies in the fields below and around me, twinkling like the stars above, mirroring the story of creation itself. Listen to the wind rustle or blow through the trees and branches, move and hustle around the tall weeds, scoot sideways the poor little dragon flies  as they search out their meals for the evening.

The Meaning of Life, for me is Stop worrying about man-made things and concerns, live closer to nature, explore my little part of the universe, help to create some beauty in life to offset the destruction of Man Kind. Stop with the petty worries of others, relax outdoors as much as possible, sleep outdoors when I can, sit outdoors when I can and when I can not sit or sleep there, put on weather gear and walk there. Spend as much time getting back to nature, getting back to the One Real Church, the Church God the Universe Created for us. Nature.

My Wilderness Return story continues, continues along on the right path the proper path. Share with others, share to help teach to remind and to help reflect on the meaning of life; enjoy the moments that are all around us, everyday, every moment of the day and every moment of the evening and night. Watch the lovely Moon the companion to this Earth.

taking the plunge, went up to Timmins area, Cochrane, Matheson, took a job with a so so employer that starts with a ‘C’ just to get into the North, work and time = money to move up and get property and follow my dreams and reality, my path.

Been travelling to and fro from Bowmanville to Timmins, while back working on projects to get rid of stuff, sell off stuff, including my business stuff, stuff that is like a boat anchor dragging me down to the hollow lake of despair in this dreary man-made area overpopulation and cities. Back to the North, back to the Wilderness.

My next time in the Mines, I will ask to stay for 2 weeks so I can have 2 weeks off, in the full two weeks off, I can get way more done than now with only 3 -1/2 days of being able to work here. There are two full days of travel just to get back and forth, and the first day that I am back down here, I sleep extra to make up for the time spent not sleeping for a least a week while travelling and working. Wow.. Time, never enough time, wish I could go back in time, correct the mistakes of the past. I know the exact divergent path that I made my first big mistake, I would go to that timeline and take the other road to travel. Go back in time with my full memories to guide me is my only wish of the Genie, “Genie I would make one wish only, it would be thus stated!”

Alas, it is not to be, onward Christian Soldiers we go. Hoping for a brighter future, hoping for a future, hoping for the miracle of a better life, to enjoy life, to have the ability to notice the wonderous events around us to allow our hearts and Soul to be uplifted and inspired. This is the wish of Soldiers and Warriors throughout history. My wish now again as well.

This blog is about my journey for my recollection and thoughts, hopefully I will be helping others to realize that there are exists other beauties in the world and other events beyond the human condition.

* So as I wrote the very last paragraph above, a large Chipmunk just took the chance darted across from the trailer in front of me to the trailer beside me, looked me in the eyes, and took the risk. As the Dog is just laying outside the Van right now, sighing for me to get off the computer and do something useful like play fetch with her, it was a rather large risk for the Chipmunk to take. So the Universe just spoke to me again, verifying my observations, to verify my writing of the events, thoughts and feelings for others to hopefully start looking around, playing around and staying outdoors to enjoy what is real and inspiring, not man-made things, the simple things like a single drop of dew on a blade of grass, glistening in the dawn light, a drop of moisture mirroring the beauty of the Universe for us to See and Observe!

Cheers and have a wonderous day of Observing the Glory that is all around us.

(ps, note, no re-writing, no re-reading just thoughts spilling out in all their lack of sentence structure, just thoughts one after another spilling forth through the clumsy medium of brain to fingers to keyboard to pixels on a screen in a pixel universe to tell you to go back to the real Universe, HA HA.. Irony is me 🙂


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