Tag Archives: survivalists

Columbus Day and Thanksgiving Day‏

We would like to wish all of our members and viewing guests a happy and cheerful;

Columbus Day in United States
Thanksgiving Day in Canada

From the Leadership and friends in our Network !

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The CanAmPreppers Team.

ps. we are always looking for others;
self reliant and self reliance
types of people from the USA and Canada  

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Filed under Blog post, Survival Prepping

Sept 14th Let’s See What’s Edible in Greenwood Conservation Area! Ontario Durham Region

Sept 14th Let’s See What’s Edible in Greenwood Conservation Area! Ontario Durham Region
Wild Edibles Walk and Talk, show and tell by Karen the Wild Edibles Foody and Guru 🙂

Sunday, September 14, 2014
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Greenwood Conservation Area2290 Greenwood Road, Ajax, ON

Calling all Preppers, Self reliant, Homesteaders, Bush Crafters and well anyone who want to learn really !



Fields of Nutrition Wild Edibles on the walk, can you eat these, yes?

Fields of Nutrition on the walk, can you eat these?

IMG_20130820_121134b edibleweeds 010b

pic of bulrushes at side of pond

Bulrushes, so versatile, edible, fire starter, cordage, building material


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Filed under Blog post, Food, Health, Photos, Plants, Survival Prepping, Writing

Veggie veggy oil lamps prt 3

Well since people spell veggie/veggy both ways… that is the title.
Editors be like; O my … LOL

What we have here are two floaters,  floating two improvised veggie/veggy, vegetable oil lamps to share, kudlich. Veg oil is safe, ultra safe, easy to use, inexpensive and recyclable. (you can use veg oil from deep fryers if filtered) Soda can, soda pop can, oil lamps for the USA, Americans!

knife or scissors – thats it
material pop can
wick – natural fibre jute string

1st – quick floaters / floating wick holder
made from the bottom of pop cans
cut bottom of the can off
use scissors or knife
turn upside down, poke a whole in it so the opening is now going upwards into the freshly cut area
take your pre soaked in veg oil for 1-1.5 hr wick
insert into the fresh opening
use the lips that are there to grip the wick (do not make the hole too big or it will just fall down into the oil)
add in oil to the container
put the floating wick onto the oil
watch if float, say aw that is nice
light it with some sort of flaming device

Veggy, Veggie oil lamps, floating candles, Hurricane candles, Hurricane Lamps, improvised lamps, vegetable oil lamps, made from pop cans, tuna cans, salmon cans, natural fibre jute string, natural fiber jute string.

Veggy, Veggie oil lamps, floating candles, Hurricane candles, Hurricane Lamps, improvised lamps, vegetable oil lamps, made from pop cans, tuna cans, salmon cans, natural fibre jute string, natural fiber jute string.

2nd Hurricane / pop can veg oil burner, veg oil lamp, kudlich lit in the front,
cut out a whole in the middle of the can (see pics below)
leave the wings or not it is up to you
put oil in the bottom of the newly cut pop can
take the top from one of the tops that are left over from the floaters
crimp edges (images coming soon)
see pics below
run the wet wick up into the pop tab to hold it in place
light with a flame
voila, veg oil candle substitute!
looks nice, safe, may be hung, easy to refill, lots of options here.
p.s. the Hurricane style lamp is my own creation and have never seen anyone do this before, ya me!

kudlich lit in the front, Veggy, Veggie oil lamps, floating candles, Hurricane candles, Hurricane Lamps, improvised lamps, vegetable oil lamps, made from pop cans, tuna cans, salmon cans, natural fibre jute string, natural fiber jute string.

kudlich lit in the front, Veggy, Veggie oil lamps, floating candles, Hurricane candles, Hurricane Lamps, improvised lamps, vegetable oil lamps, made from pop cans, tuna cans, salmon cans, natural fibre jute string, natural fiber jute string.


I will take some time tomorrow to show how the insert is done, very simple and easy to follow along with some pics to guide folks. Stay tuned !

great for Preppers, survivalist, self reliant, self reliance, homesteaders, stuck in snow, ice storms, power outages, camping, hiking, anywhere, christmas decorations, Christmas table, table settings, substitute for tea lights or tea candles

kudlich lit in the front, two floaters, two improvised, veggie/veggy oil lamps, veggie oil lamps, veggy oil lamps, deep fryers, reused oil, pop can oil lamp, wick, natural fibre wick, natural fiber wick, pop can, soda can, soda pop can, floating oil lamp, floating oil, floating wick, hurricane lamp, veggie hurricane lamp, veggy hurricane lamp, substitute for a candle, candle alternatives, quick, easy, safe, lighting

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Filed under Blog post, Equipment, Food, Improvised Stoves Heaters, Kits, Lamps, Rocket Mass Heater, Rocket Stove, Shelter, Survival Prepping

Waking Day 4

Day 4 of Waking  Weird my world and maybe the world around me has changed forever and I go and check email! No new messages

Acronyms was my second last email, to someone. They were wondering about all the Acronyms in the Canadian Prepper’s Board. What a silly last email to send, I wish now that instead of telling him to go search, I had found the page and directed him to it.

My phone, I have been looking around and leaving messages, written out for people to call my phone, then I go and leave it in the Van. Worse than that, I have forgotten to make any calls myself. That is the fuzziness talking again, that weird buzzing in my ears and lack of oxygen from my Lung problem(s) in my head.

But I am getting away ahead here. That is not how the day started at all!


Filed under Blog post, Dogs, Novella - Waking, Survival Prepping, Writing

Waking Journal Novella

Weird my world and maybe the world around me has changed forever

(Edited NOTE: This is my writing therapy and a means to get back into writing. I am hoping to improve my style, my writing skills which include my spelling and grammar. Sentence structure as well as speaking / speaker structure needs work as well. Positive, creative, helpful posts and comments will stay. Rude and downright mean-spirited remarks will be deleted, my blog, my writing my rules. Remember you’re a guest here!)
I like this Journal Cover, follow the link to the blog of the person who created it

I like this Journal Cover, follow the link to the blog of the person who created it

This is a cover for the Journal, follow to a very cool blog on how to make this, before the world ends

 ….. Bet that got him thinking as the world went crazy around him! ……..
This is my Journal since my Waking,
waking up into this strange world!
  .. other days and writings to follow, there will be a separate Novella started as well.
  Both will be written at the same time, both will be published as they are written  so I suggest you   follow them as a per day instalment  There will be jumps and days missing in titles, but these are just  jumps in writing times and dates, they will still flow along.
The Static pages will be updated at the same time hopefully, WordPress is hard to do that sometimes.

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Filed under Blog post, Dogs, Novella - Waking, Survival Prepping, Writing

What I did for Prepping This Week 11 Feb 2011

Bug out Lists Locations,  TSHTF equipment Location list.

Hey there,

One of my New Years resolution is to do something for Survival / Prepping everyday. So far, I have done that everyday since Dec 29th, I started early.

So in the past week and a half I did the following;

Met with some very nice people about their property, it looks like it might work out. I could have a place to work and stay!

Received the book about looking for property (got the property, before the book, go figure!)

Found a great article on growing Plants and Fish in an Aquaponics set-up for long term food production and self sustaining system.

Worked on my Bug Out Bag, and Bug out Totes (more later)

Bug out Lists Locations, TSHT equipment Location list,
I am working right now on an often-overlooked piece of information for Preppers and Survivalists.  I am in the middle of making a list of lists as it were, the location(s) to my Bug out Kits and assorted tools I want to take.

This list is very important, so the TSHTF scenario has just happened, do you know where everything is? Ok if you already have a survival retreat location that is stocked, just grab your bug out bag and go, but like most of us, we need to keep out stuff with us, so where is it all? The house, the garage, the office, your spare vehicle or your get away vehicle, everywhere you normally keep your equipment and everyday stuff? With any form of anxiety or emergency, you forget where stuff is, you forget what you need to take, hey if your over 40 you already forget stuff, just imagine when there is even more pressure! This simple list just tells you where the stuff is; I think it is an overlooked item that is very important.

Step one, re-organize my Bug out Bag, update it and add missing elements.
Step two, get together my Bug out Totes, the ones that hold the extra tents, kitchen cookware I want also one for the food that is extra and stocked already. This handy checklist is to put on top of the tote/box so you know what is inside and what you need to add.

My Bug Out List is the for the big move, big Bug Out, the vehicle filling list, where is the material that will allow you to not only survive but live for a long time. This list keeps track of your items you want to take.

What is the difference you ask? Well a Bug Out Bag is for emergencies, or camping, that is your stuff you need this stuff for a few days or in a flood scenario, it is the just grab and run stuff. Now you list that you should also make is the one that has the location of your tools you want to take, the empty out the cupboards reminder list, the take the extra totes, the ones with the extra tents, and long term tools and materials you need or you want to make your life easier.

If you have a place to go, a property in mind, then this list is what you need to make so you do not forget those items. Hey I am already at the forgetful age, the age of damn forgot my lunch and Thermos now just for regular work, so how bad will you be when you need to remember to grab the extras during an emergency? With the hordes of traffic, you cannot just go back after you are already on the road, just leave it and come back later if you can. This list helps in location reminders and extra tool reminders that will help you keep going long after the others have run out of the 3 days of camping food that they brought along with them. Or some Prepper who brought most but forgot to bring along his/her tools and now sits at the side of the road with a simple rad hose adjustment, but cannot do that because you forgot the flaming tool box with the flaming screwdriver and tape (love the British for that exclamation, very cool).

Make the Bug Out Location List, keep it by the door, with your fire plan evacuation list, in your garage, anywhere that you will see it, grab it and start checking things off. If you have someone helping you, especially kids, they can see what needs to be done, they can help check off the box or item when it is in your car/vehicle and it will help them by having something to do and also by making them feel involved and important.

This is not a huge list by any means, below is a short example of mine to get you started;

  • Garage:
  • hand tools
  • power tools
  • power tools/battery powered
  • battery chargers e.g. Ryobi / Black and Decker
  • portable battery charger
  • Office:
  • Laptop
  • printer
  • paper
  • memo books
  • long handled brooms (for quick pole usage)

So the following is some areas that equipment is located

  1. Office:
  2. Spare Vehicle
  3. Kitchen
  4. Bedroom
  5. Bathroom

We need to use stuff everyday, and some of us can not afford 2 or 3 of everything, so this is a grab the items where it is located list, so you can remember when you are grabbing the items and not when you are 20+ miles away going to your safe location!

Bug out Lists Locations printout,
I think this is very important and something we should all be making!

Thanks for reading!


Filed under Blog post, Equipment, Food, Kits, Shelter, Survival Prepping