Category Archives: Photos

Sept 14th Let’s See What’s Edible in Greenwood Conservation Area! Ontario Durham Region

Sept 14th Let’s See What’s Edible in Greenwood Conservation Area! Ontario Durham Region
Wild Edibles Walk and Talk, show and tell by Karen the Wild Edibles Foody and Guru 🙂

Sunday, September 14, 2014
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Greenwood Conservation Area2290 Greenwood Road, Ajax, ON

Calling all Preppers, Self reliant, Homesteaders, Bush Crafters and well anyone who want to learn really !



Fields of Nutrition Wild Edibles on the walk, can you eat these, yes?

Fields of Nutrition on the walk, can you eat these?

IMG_20130820_121134b edibleweeds 010b

pic of bulrushes at side of pond

Bulrushes, so versatile, edible, fire starter, cordage, building material


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Filed under Blog post, Food, Health, Photos, Plants, Survival Prepping, Writing

Girl Power & People Power

Loving yourself as a girl, woman and as a person

Lindsey Stirling
her main YouTube Channel 

Found this on LindseyTime and clicked through

Inspirational Clips to find her inspirational message. Her message is just like her, spunky, thoughtful and for both boys and girls, men and women. Watch 🙂

Edited in for content;

Below is the first one of hers that I saw… LOVE it !! as well

Here is another and it is so cute, a fountain in a park,
dancers all !

edited for thoughts;

= WHY….. why post this… why share…. why do we do what we do?

My thoughts during dinner were to share in these dark days of strife and grief. If I only make one person smile, make another hear the beauty that is Humans at our best then I have done what I want to carry out. If but two people see the similarities in each of us, does that not draw in each of our hearts and thoughts together?

When we focus on the similarities, the sameness of each other vs. the differences, we find that there is really no difference from anyone, anywhere around this blue globe of ours.

Share a thought, share and image, share an emotion, share a feeling of wonder and beauty for let us celebrate what is good in all of us, what is similar and treasured.

Go walk in the light away from the shadows away from the grief,
cheers wild_E

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Filed under Blog post, Inspiration, Photos

Flowers for the Ladies

Flower for you, all of the ladies that see and read my blog !

Because you deserve flowers today!


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Filed under Blog post, Photos

Observe and Edit

Look down to the pic on the bottom right of the page, scroll.
Right now there is a photo of an old fire call box on the side of a building.

old firbox on side of building

Stop and smell the roses,
or stop and observe all things around you
Hidden in Plain sight
Click through the link to go to a post by RMACTSC on Survival Awareness
(linking and trying something new) follow for similar, though different words and reasons to be situationally  aware !

Did you notice any in your area? Do you see the small details around you? Your life might depend on this skill, what you see most do not observe, what you hear most do not listen too. Below you will see a series of photos, the first is the original photo, the next are close-ups, edited parts of that single image to draw your attention to what I see when I look around. Remember the Picasso Brain theory that I wrote about. This is how I see, this is how I hear, this is how I live everyday.

When the primitive brain sends out a signal it is in the form of discomfort, tingling, hairs standing on edge or some other signal. Ever get that feeling someone is watching you, or you feel uncomfortable? The primitive brain is capable of amazing things, if the front brain lets it.

So, this is a two-sided exercise;

Grab your camera, take photos of only things you would not normally take photos of, look where you normally do not, look into the shadows, look into the areas that are always seen, observe everything. do this daily, or a few times today, then some more in a day or so. Now do you see more than you did before? Notice the rust slowly creeping down the wall from that bolt or screw, see the manhole cover for the first time, look at the water drop on the leaf.

Let your eye and brain pick out details you would not normally notice, train your brain, train you senses to help you live. Today, tomorrow, in a SHFT situation, in an emergency.

This trains your brain to observe and be more in tune with your environment. This might save your life or the life or your Son or Daughter one day. Do you smell something that is just off, or hear something different. Listen to the sounds that are natural or normal, pay attention to the sounds, did something change? Did the birds stop chirping, did the insects go silent, what is happening, what is about to happen around you, near you, close to you, OR TOO YOU !!

aprl 004bbNext is what I see, zoom in on the detail;

Now again, the original image. Next two following are the same image just modified by the Digital editing software to slightly enhance the original photo into the image I want to get too.

aprl 004bbClose ups!
4a1bEdited images 4a1bb

See &

Listen and hear

Do not be afraid to experiment with parts of your photos, your environment, photo editor, your observation powers, your brain and how it works. Learn to draw your subject to you, it is called ” Calling the Shots ” and ” Drawing the Target to you ”
basically it means to focus your brain, concentrate and observe.

BarnTextures 051 Another example 51c

How about cropping in, to just the bits of hay hanging in on the hinge on the sliding door, or how about just zooming in to the wood texture itself,

or the most interesting and detailed metal wheel that is the slider on the track,

or the rust from the nail heads on this 100+ plus year old sliding inside barn door? wheel1wheel2

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Filed under Health, images photography, Inspiration, Photos, Writing

Emotion by Inspiration

Howdy again folks,
…………….. How are you all today, EH

Today I would like to thank you all for following this little adventure in blogging. In the last couple of weeks I have had more compliments in my writing and photography than in the last few years put together, for that I thank you very much.

ancient ladder in barn rising up to the ceiling

Reach for your Dreams and Goals – Part of my Barnyard Textures series

With new compliments, new followers, new sites to visit I have found myself refreshed and recharged in a creative way. Again thank you all so much for that, this has lifted my spirits and creativity to new heights. Yesterday I was also nominated for an Award, that was out of the blue and quite pleasantly inspiring in its own way, thank you to the very nice person who did that by the way!

This morning I made a decision, to feature an inspirational Blog follower at least once a week, quite possibly twice a week. The only similarity is that the blog will inspire me in a way that makes me smile, lifts my spirits, makes me stop and think or well brings a tear to my eye.

Yesterday I Re-Blogged the story of the Two fellows in India  who teach children for free. That is very inspiring in a humanitarian way and gives my thoughts of Humanity and Humans in general a lift upwards.  With that in mind I am sharing here this image I created as part of the Barnyard Textures photo shoot, it was held back for a special occasion  so here it is to share today with everyone. I hope you enjoy “Reach” as much as I do !

This blog that is featured today is Inspirational in its creativity in a medium that I have no talent in at all. Painting, drawing, sketching no talent unless it is to colour between the lines, I do seem to have a little talent with Writing and Photography, so I will continue to share them with myself and my readers. My journey continues in new found ways, as well as ways of old so the posts on Wilderness Adventures  Bushcraft, Survivalism and Modifications will continue as well.

Ray Ferrer Emotion on Canvas

Pleased to offer up Ray Ferrer – Emotion on Canvas  His Facebook page link is here.

His site is quite unique, as evidenced by this stunning image to the left. All I can picture in my mind is a smoky dimly lit room, all I can hear in my mind is the Soulful sounds that are reverberating off the walls filling my spirit and mind alike.

You just know I will be listening to some Jazz and Blues later don’t y’all eh !

Take care now and enjoy the imagery of that this creative fellow has to offer.


Filed under Inspiration, Photos, Writing

Positive Imagery Messages

Keeping in the same vein of positive thoughts here are some photos that I saw that;

make me smile,
make me think

speak listen love

Dream to make it so

People See,
but they do not Observe!

dog lazing on her back sunbathing

Sunbathe like Nobody is Watching


Each of us Sees differently, what did your eye find first?
green leaves, rain drops and single yellow flower

Look for the little things in life they will surprise you in their simply beauty, rain drops like a breath in the cold morning

Live Simpler
Look Closer
See what others Miss! 

rain drops in water, close up

Rain drops collage, look close see up close, enjoy the micro view to lighten the Soul

R.., I included the photo of Zelda for D..
hoping it makes you both smile!

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Filed under Health, Photos, Writing