Monthly Archives: Apr 2012

FarmGal’s 3rd post and Permy Links

Howdy, I am reposting/repressing/reblogging (not sure of all the differences here!)

FarmGal’s 3rd permy info session is here, Search through her site and find some interesting Recipes, do this after lunch and not before! Also look for Oxen/Ox training of Girl, the name of her Female cow who is being trained as an Ox. Very cool indeed

Why do this;

  • ok, I am lazy?
  • She has great info, Farmgal has so lets get you the info from the person who actually went to the lecture, who has some great hands on experiences. So in essence from the Oxen’s mouth, cause she does not have a horse, but is training to Cows to be Oxen, explanation is cheesy right?
  • As part of my journey and for my own memory reasons, I document some information and share it with whomever feels like reading this.
  • Aquaponics Family is another example, I am totally impressed with them, totally EH! (he he, now look at the sentence and say it like a valley girl, with the Eh like one of the hossers)(hhmmm too much caffeine for me, but it is fun and I like to write like I talk, the world is too serious already)

Next you will find a link to a post that was done a while back by myself with links to the leaders in the Permaculture Fields. I will probably be editing the links soon to include the Aquaponics Family and a few other sources for Aquaponics information. Another great innovation that can be done in your basement, you garage or backyard.
Here is the link to their site and to their profile

view of aquaponics Family photos with a raised aquabed with plants in it

view of aquaponics Family photos with a raised aquabed with plants in it, no fish shown or jumping though


Now I am think that if you take some lessons from the lecture series from Prof Will Hooker Prof. NCS in the USA – follow through to a great and interesting presentation and video series on Permaculture pay attention to his house visit lecture #5 or 6 where he talks about his small Frog Pond and fist ponds and the effects on the surrounding nature

add in the ideas from Geoff Lawton and Here is the link to the Permaculture Australia site and AgroForestry and Food Forests.

Read up and watch info on Bill Mollinson Here is a link to a Wiki article on him and Sepp HolzerHere is a link to his Farm and info Website

All of the sources above have video links to those who are too tired to read, so Google and YouTube the names and come up with some Videos to watch, get the family interested.

A Farm For the Future – very well presented and easy to watch a great intro video for you, your family and others around you. (British)
How Cuba Survived Peak Oil, this was surprising, so all encompasing and teaches us all that you can do it on a Nation Wide Basis!
Cuba Power of Community  How Cuba survived Peak Oil Crisis (slovenski podnapisi) full name to search for
Next search for Videos and PDF’s, books by Jean Pain on Jean Pains methods of Bio Heating and Bio Fuel (that is a real I opener, so easy to at least cut the costs of heating houses, barns and the like and all the info is from the 80’s and proven time and again)


Bill Mollinson – Global Gardener Series
Geoff Lawton and Here is the link to the Permaculture Australia site his speciality is Food Forests so search for that and his name

Of course my personally Fav of all time, Sepp Holzer and his books, video series and short YouTubes made by other people who visited him!

* Now you can start by planting some 3 Sisters Gardens, smaller and uncomplicated, eventually grow into the Full Blown Permaculture and Aquaponics Routes, this is a natural progression. You can start all of this in your backyard or basement, in your new or existing Homestead, on your wild and natural acreage or in your tree lot or hunting camp. Want to help keep the animals out, Sepp Holzer suggests that you plant food for them in lots of areas in your property. Plant lots of Lettuce, they all love lettuce. I would do a 3 sisters garden technique for them and you then, seed lots of areas in your property and in the ajacent property. Just dig a little bit, cover with some soil and walk away! Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. The only cost is some seeds.

Why do this, plant for the animals, my answer is WHY NOT!  We as Humans are greedy, we take over all the land that we see saying it is ours, the animals have been here for 50,000 yrs or more, and that is just for the modern version of the bears! Give some thought and think on it, ok. We take over everything, kill off the forests, the fields and swamps, where to they live, where to they get food. Well if I was a hungry animal in the wild, I would learn quickly to look for humans, since they are everywhere! Ok, let them look, now plant stuff in their path, find game trails, out of the way areas of your paddocks, fields, swamp or wetlands, plant food there for them. Propagate some the natural foods as well, such as Jerusalem Artichokes, Aramath, Nettles and the list goes on and on. Remember, you can forage in these areas as well, take some of the natural foods, enjoy them, take some others and replant them for others.

Remember become Land Stewards and not just occupiers, work with Nature and Nature will work with you. God loves those that help themselves. Maybe if he sees you helping the animals with food, he will send some helpers to direct the animals to the safer wild areas and away from your Gardens! Just a thought, just a thought.

Now any comments or links to Aquaponics, Permaculture, Hugelculture, AgroForestry and FoodForests not covered are welcome to be put as comments at the end of the blog, so please share with others. The Government will never really help us, so lets help ourselves.
p.s. spam will be deleted as a matter of course!

cheers and looking forward to your comments and links ~WildE

goofing around in submissive manner

goofing around in a submissive manner

She is bored and watching me write this right now, thinking come on Human/two legs, lets go play fetch! My thoughts are its, windy, snowing, raining all at the same time and I do want to. Stamps foot, crosses arms
sentence just to see if your still reading 😀




Filed under Blog post, Food, Permaculture, Survival Prepping

Food Forests or Producing Hedgerows-Farmgal Style.

Food Forests or Producing Hedgerows-Farmgal Style..

Ok, here is FarmGal’s 2nd instalment on the lectures this past weekend on a course for Permaculture in Ottawa Ontario Canada.

Hope you enjoy, also look to back postings for more info on Permaculture and Permy links.

cheers WR or WildE

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Filed under Blog post, Food, Permaculture

Basic Idea’s of Hugelculture Gardening Style

Basic Idea’s of Hugelculture Gardening Style.

FarmGal went to a permaculture event on the weekend, here is her first report on the event.

I did not write this, I am just RE-Pressing this, I think it is re-blogging, not so sure lets give it a go!

Cheers to all hope you enjoy the info, cheers to Farmgal for making the original post.  I do believe that the way of commercial agriculture is unsustainable, the way of normal farms are unsustainable, the future relies on these emerging methods.;

Huglebeds – Hugelculture Gardening
Masoula style gardening
Raised bed gardening

Now the two main categories are the Permaculture and Aquaculture styles.  Both require less room for more, more foods, more plants, more freedom for animals and less work for the people. Less fossil fuels, less dependence on chemical sprayers and additions of antibiotics to the animals and fish.

Help spread the word, post, repost and just make a few small permy style areas in a standard backyard, that is enough to get the movement going going and going forward for the future.

p.s. They are not expensive to start or to maintain either!

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Filed under Blog post, Food, Permaculture

Ottawa Permaculture 21 April

Hi all,
just got this in my inbox, it is last minute as in this weekend !!!!
Last Minute Permaculture Meeting Low $$ Ottawa area
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 – 09:15 – 17:30
Location: Gloucester (Ottawa)
Cost: Requested donation $10 to $20
Gathering the local permaculture community
Hosted by Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario & Permaculture Ottawa

This is a message I received from one of the organizers of the event…

Dear Friends,

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the [b]Permaculture Convergence next Saturday, April 21! [/b]Please do bring:
* your own mug for tea and coffee (we’ll provide the tea and coffee)
* paper and pen for notetaking
* flyers/business cards about your permaculture-related events, projects and organisations

* Saturday, April 21, 9:15am to 5:30pm.
* Requested donation $10 to $20 at the door. All profits will go to support permaculture-related projects in the community.
* For folks who have not already taken a permaculture course, we strongly encourage you to attend the 9:30am workshop “What is Permaculture? An Intro to Permaculture Principles”. This is meant to give people a good overview of what permaculture is, as a foundation for the rest of the day.
* For the schedule and more details, visit:

* The Convergence is being held at Lester B. Pearson High School, 2072 Jasmine Crescent in Gloucester. Here’s the map:
* It is POSSIBLE that the school will opt to keep the main doors locked during the day for security reasons. We will have volunteers at our Welcome Table at the main doors at the following times to welcome guests and open the doors! That said, please note the following “door times” to help facilitate your smooth and easy arrival! (We appreciate that the school is donating the space for this community event, and we are doing our best to be flexible with their needs.)


* We plan to have 1 hour for lunch and to restart promptly at 1:30pm with the introduction to the Open Space Technology forum. We encourage you to bring a bagged lunch to save time and make the most of networking. There are also a couple of places nearby to get food.

* In our afternoon Open Space Technology forum as well as during lunch, we hope you’ll share about your permaculture-related projects, events and organisations. Our intention is for this community to become a resource to support one another in learning and getting more involved. We invite you to bring flyers, business cards, etc. to hand out.

For more information…

More info on their activities..

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Filed under Blog post, Permaculture

Links to Preppers and Survivalists

Links to other Preppers and Survivalists

As this blog is about my journey and people, events and things along the way, the blog like my life is Eccletic.

Please note some new links on the left side down near the middle, Links Blogroll. 

  • First up is Anita and her journey in their new farm, hobby farm which is funny cause there is just too much work for a hobby. anitapreciouspearl and her HUGE Family Prepping
  • Second is Farmgal, well too bad she is married cause she would be great I say, Great! Check out her farm, her adventures training her Cow to be a draft animal commonly referenced to as Oxen, or in the case a Ox called Girl. FarmGal Canadian Back to the oldways Farmer
  • Lastly is Denob, he is another Canadian Prepper, has his own blogspot, does a radio program sometimes. Our content is different from the US guys so come and check us out. The Prepared Canadian

Hope this post helps some of the new people out, does not help the multitude of spammers and you keep this in mind and pop back in here once in a while as well. 

Cheers now ~WildE


Filed under Blog post, Survival Prepping

Eat Bugs not Cats

Eat Bugs not Cats

“Don’t eat the Warm and Fuzzies….” Suzanne
Ok now, there is an area that is really overlooked for food sources, except for some who have Military or Survivalist Training.

Bugs, Eating Bugs, Raising Bugs
From the Bug Girl wordpress Site
High in Protein, not animals, not fish, not poultry so this can can be eaten by Vegans. Bugs have been consumed by people and our pets for tens of thousands of years. In most countries in the world except for some of the Northern Hemisphere countries, bugs of all types are regularly eaten. With the quick growth of these critters, along with the small area needed to raise them to the point of consumption, this makes them a good alternative to our traditional menu’s.

Ug,, arrg, not me, yuk, gross etc etc, I can hear you all now, well let me tell you, when you are tired, hungry, covered in pig shit from the French Commando Course, you eat the bugs that they offer. When you are short of food during an Ex in Wainwright Alberta with tens of millions of Tent Caterpillars roaming around. YOU eat them, and they taste very nice with some Mayo or Honey Mustard in a sandwich.

Here are some links on how to prepare them and some background on Bugs for consumption in other words Entomology for the Future.
Entomophagy Diet Supplementation Options, by C.N.
= … by-cn.html

Girl Meets Bug
Edible Insects: the Eco-Logical Alternative … n-history/

Why Not Eat Insects
Fron 1885

The only problem I have with any of the references are they are saying to eat Bees. Bees do more good out of our bellies, flying around doing their important part for the environment. They are also becoming endangered, so lets not eat them, but help to establish some rest stations, create some natural move in hives or allow Bee Keepers to put some boxes/hives on our properties.
Eat Wasps, eat any wasps that come your way, feed them to your pets, feed them to you fish, who cares, they kill bees are everywhere and attack all the time, yellow jackets should be tasty too!
1885 Menue with Bugs on the plate

The following chart is reproduced from Iowa State University’s web site. It shows how some insects as food compare to lean ground beef and broiled cod.

Insect Protein (g) ……Fat (g) Carbs Calcium (mg) Iron (mg)
Giant Water Beetle ………..19.8 8.3 2.1 43.5 13.6
Red Ant …………………13.9 3.5 3.9 47.8 5.7
Silk Worm Pupae ……………9.6 5.6 2.3 41.7 1.8
Dung Beetle ………….17.2 4.3 .2 30.9 7.7
Cricket ……………….. 12.9 5.5 5.1 75.8 9.5
Grasshopper ………… 20.6 6.1 3.9 35.2 5.0
Grasshopper ………… 14.3 3.3 2.2 27.5 3.0
June Beetle ………….13.4 1.4 2.9 22.6 6.0
Caterpillar ………… 28.2 N/A N/A N/A 35.5
Caterpillar …………. 9.7 N/A N/A N/A 1.9
Termite ……………….. 14.2 N/A N/A N/A 3.5
Weevil ………………… 6.7 N/A N/A N/A 13.1
Beef (Lean) ………… 27.4 N/A N/A N/A 3.5
Fish (Cod) ………… 28.5 N/A N/A N/A 1.0

Ok, lets keep on topic and not degenerate, cheers and

Question; so those little bugs that get in the food, the tiny black specks in rice or wheat, can they be eaten?

List of Edible Insects

Bugs you can eat, from A to Z!

List of Edible Insects

Nice and juicy
No they left out a very important worm, The Tequila Worm…

Here are some more links to Edible insects


Are Bugs A Part of Your Diet?
Product……………………………..Action Level
Apple butter…………………………5 insects per 100g
Berries………………………………4 larvae per 500g OR 10 whole insects per 500g
Ground paprika…………………….75 insect fragments per 25g
Chocolate………………………….80 microscopic insect fragments per 100g
Canned sweet corn…………………2 3mm-length larvae, cast skins or fragments
Cornmeal…………………………..1 insect per 50g
Canned mushrooms……………….20 maggots per 100g
Peanut butter…………………….60 fragments per 100g (136 per lb)
Tomato paste, pizza,
and other sauces…………………30 eggs per 100g OR 2 maggots per 100g
Wheat flour………………………75 insect fragments per 50g

Source: The Food Defect Action Levels: Current Levels for Natural or Unavoidable Defects for Human Use that Present No Health Hazard. Department of Health & Human Services 1989.

~WildE or W.R.


Filed under Blog post, Food, Survival Prepping

Cane Corso Large Breed Guardian Dog

The post is about Large Breed Guardian Dogs. Now before I begin, my site must be getting lots of traffic lately, every day I am deleting lots of spam, spammers, why bother you will be deleted so just what is the point of it all?

Some dogs are stay in the house dogs, some are kept outside dogs and a lot are a mixture of Stay Outside and Keep Inside as well dogs, Cane Corso fall into this mixture category.

Cane Corso, this is my new furry friend, my fur kid Zelda. This post will be turned into a page soon, and then I will add content to it as we journey together. This is appropriate as it is our combined journey now. Zelda is her name from the Rescue where I picked her up in Barrie Ontario.

looking at camera

looking at camera

In the past I have been trained on how to train Dogs, grew up with dogs, quickly took over the training for our household pets and I am not an expert at all. That being said, I suppose I have more experience with most of the population, but am not a Dog Whisperer or a Full Blown Dog Trainer either.

Some points for you and I to consider are would be well to remember and this is a big one, Dogs are not HUMANS, we try to make them into humans sometimes, treat them like our kids, expect them to behave like humans but they are Dogs. Dogs who are pack animals, they are social, they need social groups and have a definite hierarchy which they fit into in their social group and pack.

They are Dogs, we are humans we have similar social structures and organizations, but we are the ones in charge, need to maintain this for very real reasons. They are with us, not the other way around, we might have a small pen knife, but they have rows of very sharp pointy meat tearing teeth. In the wild, they hunt as a pack, left alone they will hunt for food or for sport, they will attack if frightened or surprised. So training is very important with them and the human as well.

Cane Corso is a breed of friendly and very social guardian dogs, from experience they are as strong as a Rotty/Rotti, Rottweiler dog and as fast as a Doberman, so they are in the Medium to Large breed of Dog. They are athletic, fast, playful and nimble, yet can also be the big lovable goofy Mastiff as well. So a well socialized dog of any size is important, those little ankle bitters are not cute when they are snapping and barking at you, and those types of people are the fist to complain about large dogs. Now can you picture my 90 lb Cane Corso Cross attacking like one of those little furry Kleenex box dogs, boy o boy my insurance would be through the roof.

dog lazing on her back sunbathing

Sunbath like Nobody is Watching

Here is Zelda’s personality based on her present Cane Corso Doggy personality test. No she did not type it in, I did based on observations of her behaviour.

Your Cane Corso’s Learning Style

Training Style: The Rebel with a Cause

They are strong, dominant and rarely give in to anything. They can learn but it takes a while and they really need structure in their day-to-day life as well as in training. House training can take some time since they can be stubborn about it.

Your dog has a dominant personality that can become an aggressive personality if it is not corrected at an early age. If the dog is aggressive, it is very important to use a trainer to correct the aggression problems while you are training. However, if the dog does not have an aggressive nature but is merely strong willed or dominant, then you will still have a challenge with training since the dog may mark or deficate in the house as a sign of dominance.

Generally, dogs that have a dominant personality learn better when there is firm training. Corrections should not be harsh but they should illustrate clearly that you are displeased with the dog. In addition to firm corrections, there should be set rules for these dogs that follow an alpha style training. Your dog should not be boss and he should know that you are the boss. Patience is necessary with this type of dog as is repetition and persistence.

Learn how to train your Cane Corso into a happy, obedient and loving companion

check again

big sticks for cane corso zelda

the bigger the stick the better for this Cane Corso Zelda

Since she is a rescue dog, I need to make sure and take more care with her in some situations than I would normally if she was raised by myself. Since I have only had her a few months now, I am constantly watching for behaviour and reactions. So for the first year, She will kept on a short leash so to speak.

goofing around in submissive manner

goofing around in a submissive manner

These dogs if trained and treated properly integrate into your household and their environment. These dogs are great guardians, although they will need to come into the house as well for socialization. If they do not come into the house you will have problems as they will become problematic, start chewing, destroying things quickly to get your attention and to get out their frustrations.

As guardian dogs, they are not the leave in the pasture or barn all the time dogs, although they will integrate with the animals quickly, they will also be the dominant ones in the barnyard or farm. Cane Corso’s have the intelligence and personality to become the manager when the humans are away, they will be the watchmen and guardians alike. If you have other dogs say straight guardian dogs, well this breed with be their alpha pack leaders. They will also be the alpha pack leaders to Donkeys, LLamas basically anything and everyone who is not higher up the ranks in their social order.

big paws

great big paws

So if you have kids, you need to make sure the Cane Corso knows the social and pack level of the kids as well, to avoid problems in the future. I will give

with her sleep buddy

with her sleep buddy

her food before or after my meals, never during and try to avoid table scraps as they have delicate stomachs and boy do they smell sometimes when they are facing North and their South ends are giving you the gas. Can you say open up the window?

Zelda is a typical large breed pack animal, she is better in the Vehicle and the house when she has her sleep buddy with her. In the house it is an orange/pink teddy bear and in the Van it is an orange/pink heart plushy. Without these two things, she gets right anxious and upset, will not sleep through the night.

Since Zelda is a Shelter Dog here are some of her personality traits;
Zelda gets along with every other dog, unless she is on a leash.
getting to know her quirks and pressure points.
Being rejected by 4 family’s must be tough,
she also had 2 foster families and the shelter and that family so
rejected over all 7 times,
actually 8, the original person who abandoned her.

Below are some links, WordPress is having issues with posting links so I will just post them in and you can copy and paste into a new browser window.

Zelda is a Cane Corso cross breed, so she does not look like the full breed completely, I think she is crossed with a Lurcher or a Great Dane. Taller and with the tight little waste that those breeds have. Cane Corso full breed not cross bred has a belly that goes straight across.

Her markings are what is called brindle markings, others come in mostly Solid Black and Blue as well as Tan coloured.

Here are some links to follow, take care with the training, they are Mastiffs so Dominant personalities, need a firm but loving hand.

The first link is an overview, the next few links are more detailed about the breed, training and how they interact and think.

The following are some ideas on how to Work your Dog, they are working dogs, once they catch on to what you want it will make their lives better. Like men they need to work in order to feel good about themselves.

So if you want a pasture or barn dog for a large breed guardian dog, this is not the dog you want. If you want a dog who is comfortable in the house, in the barn, in the pasture watching, guarding and taking control this is the dog for you.

Kind, loving, protective, smart and sure, all are used to describe Cane Corsos take care and happy dog playing, Yes, Zelda time to go play with sticks in the yard. Good girl wait for me to open the door, wait for me to go out first, be polite, stay and be good. Good girl time to play now

Adults – Large breed dogs take about 3 yrs to become Adult Dogs,
you will find that the personality shifts a bit along the lines of every 6 months their personality mellows or grows; so at 6 months old, then 12 months, then at 1 1/2 yr olds, then 2 and a bit, then 2 1/2 finally around the 3 yrs mark, when they become Adults !

At the 2 1/2 yr mark they normally stop growing in height and put on their bulk. This is their muscle mass and it is normal, although you should just be able to see their ribs up close, you should never be able to see their ribs from 20 ft away. Alternately do not over feed them so they are fat like humans get, that is bad for them as well as us.

Food, mine loves cooked Veggies, never raw veggies now my sisters dogs like Raw veggies so it has to do with the personality most likely, or how they are brought up. I need to talk to other Cane Corso Pack Leaders for more info on this issue of food.

  • feed them the best quality food you can,
  • they digest better, use the food as fuel and their poops are smaller
  • feed them garbage food, then you get huge piles! same as humans
  • the food I am feeding her now, says to give 4 1/2 – 5 cups, normally I supplement with a cup of brown rice or veggies etc so she hardly ever gets the full 5 cups
  • mine always leaves some food in her dish, so at the end of the night, I pick it up… because I want to sleeeeeepppp !
  • she is a late night snacker and will crunch and munch at O about 2-3 am.. !!
  • BarnTextures 125b

These dogs are forever Alpha personality type dogs so you must be in command and make the decisions for the pack. Remember they are DOGS, not humans… you are not their MOM or DAD, you are the pack LEADER ALL THE TIME. To forget this is to have behavioral issues. This is not a cruel thing, this is a natural selection process in all Dogs, Wolves and Coyotes also included are the lesser species that are rapidly dwindling.

Easy Behaviour modifications;

  • put the dog on a leash with a choker, do not choke the dog it is only for the sound and slight pressure.
  • next make them sit, only when they are sitting and looking at you, when they are attentive to you, do you continue.
  • make them heel, then sit, heel then sit, heel then sit, sit then heel, right turn, left turn sit.
  • this reinforces that you are in charge, once you do this they will be respectful of the PACK leaders wishes and decisions normally for a day or so, it all depends on the dog
  • when taking them in or out of the house, stand in front of them, do not allow them to push past ever!
  • Stand in front, When they have calmed and only when they have calmed allow them to exit the building or vehicle
  • if they have issues when meeting other dogs, put your body in between them and the other dog, hopefully the person holding onto the other dog will have enough brains to do the same! HOPEFULLY
  • other dogs, once they are used to you being in front of them holding them back when other dogs or people approach, then you may
  • allow them to keep walking with you, you in between them and the other dog, this is the next level up in training.
  • Defending; train them to defend you and your family, BY loving them and being kind to them! That is the secret!! They are fully reprogrammed to protect the ones that are in their pack and they are bonded with, love, affection, loyalty, feed them treats and they will treat you right as well.

135cThis is one of her Car babies, she likes the off pinky/orange colour the best. Without her little sleep buddies, I get no sleep, without them in the Vehicle, there is mayhem sometimes. So she has her little babies in our home, in the vehicle and at my parents place. My Mom and Dad Spoil her! She will also greet people she likes with her Car Baby so let them have it Boy or Girl it seems to calm them and well you do like the inside of your Vehicle don’t you???

Zeldy feels better, grabbing little sticks, Cane Corso

Zeldy feels better, grabbing little sticks!

Zelda likes to Fetch, she can play longer than 2 or 3 Adult Males can throw the stick if you let her! She also prefers very large long heavy sticks or small trees or 2×4’s that are hardwood heavy and big. Make them happy get them some large 2×4’s let them chew them, play with them toss them, it is much better than having a bored Cane Corso, much better and safer as well!!!!!



Filed under Blog post, Dogs