Tag Archives: grandmother

Easter update, Good Friday & Grandpa

Happy Easter to you and your family

Sorry to not be so chatty in the last while, Too much No work and sickness, not enough Work and moving forward with better luck and health.

Good Friday, my last grandparent died. My Grandfather was 101 1/2.. LOL he loved that he was 101 and a half. Although he would say he was 111 he got a little confused sometimes.
Regrets, I could not go to see him since I got sick. Not knowing what it was kept me from seeing him even at Christmas. I did not want to get him infected and die from what was almost killing me.

Since My Grandfather was a very Staunch Christian, it is fitting that he was taken to the next adventure on Good Friday. I am sure he is with his Loving wife my Grandmother, his Brother and Sister in Law who died in January in church.

He touched many people in his long life, we are all better people for knowing this kind heated man.

Some of my Favourite  memories;
Watching the fish and the water fall down the wall in the basement fish pond he build using the wall and floor that he modified into a rock wall waterfall and an in-ground fish tank/pond for the winter.
Watching the fish swim in the outdoor, in-ground fish pond in the shape of a heart for his wife my Grandmother. With lilies planted for the fish and for my Grandmother who loved them as well.
Wandering around the gardens at both the house and cottage
Magical times at the Cottage, build by the 4 of them by hand. Grandfather, Grandmother, Aunt and Uncle.

Cottage; reading and playing in the upstairs loft, that overlooked the living room, warmed by the wood stove that was in-between the living room and the kitchen
Learning to read, adventures on the high seas in a Canoe and sail boat. Travelling by the high seas to distant islands and scouring the shores and causeways by canoe. (high seas to a little kids anyways)
Hiking the trails, Bruce Trail, Heather’s Caves Trail, bush trails and the awesome trails around the large Water Falls near the Cottage and town.
Getting fresh spring water in the old copper milk containers from town and bringing it back to drink.
Watching my Grandfather plant more Water Lillies in the lakes and ponds around the Cottage, creating beauty and tiny eco systems for the good of nature and the sights for humans.
Helping to remove and get rid of Leaches that were tenaciously hanging on to his legs and feet after the Water Lilly plantings.

A kind and gentle man who was warm and caring, a man who smiled with his face and his heart. When he shook your hand and drew you in for an embrace you knew that was his way of telling you that he loved you!

Watching him turn up the hearing aids after Grandma would call out loudly Dord.. Dord her secret way of calling him, her special nic name for him. In a house so full of women, that he learned to turn down the hearing aids as he sat there, drinking Tea and eating cookies.

Always Tinkering around, he created many little inventions to make their lives easier in the house and the cottage.

One of the al time best things was a funny little thing, funny that I even remember it actually. He asked me to describe what a computer was to him (actually he asked a few times )
I responded, it is like a TV, Radio, Fax, telex, answering machine, writing desk all rolled into one. Eventually I showed him my laptop and my Aunt D’s Facebook page who lives in France as a Missionary Trainer. I dictated a message for him and uploaded a picture that I took with my phone onto my Facebook page. Has impressed and laughed and laughed.

For someone in his day, to write a letter, have it travel by ship, train to England and have it answered in O lets say 3-4 months, I am sure that a lap top computer and Phone with camera and messaging systems in place must seem like George Jetson, ultra fantastic To the Moon Technology.

Born in 1911 during the Great War, soon he emigrated from England with his Brother Al and moved to Canada.

One of my Favourite photos is of My Grandfather and Grandmother when they were still dating. Taken by him at a picnic, they are looking at each other smiling and laughing, wonder what they were talking about that made them so happy or was it just being together? Luckily he showed it to me and I retouched the photo up, so that it could be seen better. Happy to be a small part of that photo, it brought me closer to my Grandparents.

They bought a house that was at the top of the city, he explained this to me in his Nineties while I was driving him around.
We went on a tour, he showed me some of the old houses that were part of the farmers fields and setups where they bought some of their fresh produce a few blocks north of their long time home.
A few blocks North of the Danforth in Toronto, was the top of the city when they bought their home so very long ago. Now it is a continuous mass of houses, buildings all the way up past Barrie.

He lived in his Home until he was about 97/98 yrs old, the only home they bought, lived in from mid 20’s to early 30’s, man that is a very long time! Longer than anyone has been alive in the family.

Along came My Father T, My Aunt H and Aunt D,
then came other little grandchildren Hey that’s me 🙂

Innovations at the cottage for Lunches bought my Grandparents some needed down time from Grandkids;
Reading Lunches
Exploring Lunches
Puzzle Lunches
and the ever popular, Treasure Map lunches all designed to get little inquiring, noisy Grandchildren out for some much needed Time so they could have some quiet time alone.

Random memories;
Toby Mugs
Glass Paper Weights
packing the car for trips ( stay out-of-the-way! )
Generations of Chipmunks at the Cottage, that ate food from your hand, your arm, your shoulder and from the lofty tops of your head, for some of them.
Ultra smart Dogs named Tuffy and Butsy, who could open little cupboards on command and get out the treats.
Cleo the little dog,
a Cat who acted like a dog, cool cat! 

Photography that he took and that my Grandmother coloured
Toast, he loved his toast in the morning with butter on it, but it had to be held up with a knife so it would cool, then he would put jam on it.
Me I like toast warm, not cold.

Church was a big part of their lives as well.
Churches near their long time Home, Church up at the Cottage, Visiting Churches overseas in Great Britain and in the Middle East.

At 98 yrs old he had to go into the Hospital and Retirement Home, there he continued to be of happy spirits, smile a lot and generally make everyone around him happy.

Everybody at the Hospital, the Retirement Home, always said what a Joy to be around him!

Survived by;
My Father who is coming back up here from Down South
My Aunt D who is flying in from France
My Aunt H, who was the main caregiver for many many years, during his last few years in the Family Home as well as at the Hospital and Retirement Home and is to be commended for all her Love, caring and attention to her elderly Father that is deserved. Not easy that job, but rewarding but not easy.

Survived by 3 levels of Grandkids, that is a lot of generations to boot
Friends, Neighbours, Cousins and everyone who met him.
born in 1911 you have lots of friends and relatives proceed you, though I never heard him complain about that.

We are all better people for Knowing him and from the Luck granted to us from being part of his Life.

Rest in Peace George T, my Grandfather
forever in the Hearts and Minds of people who you touched along your long journey in this life
1911 – 2013


Filed under Family_Friends, Writing

Another Grandparent died yesterday!

So, this is a quick post.

Another of my Grandparents died yesterday, my Dad’s Mother this time. I regret not spending more time with her this year, now I never will. Do yourself and them a favour, call or visit more often, life is short!

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Filed under Blog post, Health