Tag Archives: keto

As an addendum to previous post

Arthritis pain and inflammation down about 30% or so from before keto.

Grabbed a cottage roll followed directions to boil and serve. Hatted it! Next day sliced off some slabs, cooked them in avocodo oil, loved it. Tonight cooked some cottage roll slabs in a little bacon fat and onions with Himalayan salt and cracked pepper. Then platted the slabs and added some fresh ripe avocado with salsa sauce, loved it.

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Filed under Health, Keto Carnivore

Little update and observation

Yes, still alive! (I think, whole other discussion)

Still doing this on phone, so still weird autocorrect hell on words…… Ok back to business here.

Keto-Ketovore diet journey. I have changed at the 8 week mark to do this more ketovore for a few reasons. One of which was purely that it is easier for portion size along with ratios.

Observations; 1. My stomach issues have dropped to 90-95% irritation from pre keto. I have suffered for over 25+yrs with leeky gut and irritable bowel syndrome. As I said earlier this is a huge drop with less gurgling pain and a bonus of much reduced toilet paper usage and buying. Let’s put it this way, I bought in bulk way before prepping was a thing, sadly for reasons!

2. My skin on my arms and legs were increasingly showing pure white splotches from injuries and bug bites. Yesterday I noticed that these spots are much reduced and healing/tanning over. Sorry no before and after pics as I did not know this was even a thing that could happen.

Being a white dude of Irish and Scottish decent (plus pasty English and almost as pasty Germanic origins) it did not bother me overly. Now if your have a tan by being outside getting vit C or you were born with some sort of darker caramel or darker skin, this would be hugely visible.

I checked a few people on YouTube who are into keto and Carnivore diets and they said this is a common occurrence and a welcomed side effect. This ranged from mild regression to full colour pigmentation recovery!

I thought that is huge as an Aunt of mine who had some Italian heritage and a darker than my white pasty skin developed this condition 30 yrs ago. This has gotten worse for her and is very noticeable and she hates it. Doesn’t bother me as it does not change her personality or stuff like that but girls are cruel to each other.

I am still on track and shedding a pound every 5ish days. I remind myself I can feel my body getting muscle back and muscle weighs more than fat for the same size. So a 10x10x10 square of muscle would be heavier than the same sized fat.

So, that is why you can be smaller than last week but the same weight. Different size but same mass.

Every hike I am able to go on, every 2-3 days u gain muscle. I wear weighted gloves (1.5 lb per glove) and carry my oak quarter staff 1.75lbs. I also hike on trails that are atv trails with up and downs, mixed gravel, boulders and elevations. This all adds to calorie burning and muscle building and maintaining.

Soon I will be adding proper sized ankle weights. These dollar store crap I bought are too light and small. I wear them on my wrists normally. Next I will be adding a backpack frame with weights, only about 20lbs to start so not that radical..

I found a webpage that you add in your weight weight terrain and extra accessories and it spits back out how many calories you burn. For example just by doing my walks on mixed gravel and boulders I burn on average 100-125 extra calories per outing extra. Now each extra pound you carry add an extra calorie burn per km/m as well. So I am burning for example, 400 calories per trip of 3.5km hike + 125 km per terrain (sometimes more due to elevation work) plus an additional 140-60 Cals burnt for weights. So now my hikes are around 575-600 instead of just 400. Almost no extra work, no extra time, but loads more fun. Note: speed and pace also play a role, my dog walk app takes that part into account ok. What is does poorly is factor in terrain, so when I get to a few challenging areas which we can bypass or take on as the feeling hits, the dog walk app fails here. Now though from looking at the hiking calculator I am able to approximate better.

Find the equations, explanations and calculator here, https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/hiking-and-backpacking/ultimate-backpacking-calorie-estimator/

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Filed under Food, Health, Survival Prepping

People stop Keto

I had a week of a plateau without dropping any pounds. This I believe is where many fail and stop.

So this week I reminded myself that muscle weighs more than fat, and looked it up again to make sure. Yuppers, weighs more per mass so peeps you and I need to look at other things than pure weight.

Down two pant sizes, check. Feel energized and strong along with tightening of the belt, check. All good.

My lifestyle change includes no breakfast or enriched fatty coffee, just herbal tea. (That took me over three months to get over). No coffee or tea with caffeine, I have sadly become sensitive to it and let me tell you, twas hard to stop!

Coffee/caffeine/sugar/carbs all are addictive, you will get cravings and withdrawal symptoms. I looked that up as well. So, the intermittent fasting daily, no eating after 8pm till NOON at the earliest, daily! 16/8 is what it is called, 16hrs of fasting 8hrs to feed. Today I made it to 2 pm before making my brunch.

Even with these new thicker softer orthodics I can only go for a hike every second day. My non walking day now includes working out or Tie Chi again along with a HIIT (high intensity interval training) session that makes your body make some healthy stuff to counteract some other stuff. Very scientific, actually it is I just can’t remember what they are called and that my good people is perfectly acceptable!

The Dr’s and health gurus remember and tell you, I am just reporting my results and my journey, so it is acceptable to not know these things. I just need to know what to do to make my journey better.

HIIT that was recommended for starting is 30-40 seconds of high intensity, as hard as you can go, doing excersise of your choice. So that would mean, 30-40s seconds of fast hard pushup, or body lifts, or crunches, bike time etc with 40 seconds of resting then another 40 seconds and so on. To start it recommended to do 5-6 of these reps one right after the other. Then continue on with workout or cool down and rest. This HIIT (hiit) kickstarts your body to do that remarkable stuff for a good 24-36hrs. Then you need to do it again and again, rinse and repeat for maximum health and weight loss results and benifts.

That is why I was not worried when it did not go down for a week. This morning my scale reported (well shows actually, it is old like me) I had dropped another pound. So at just under 201pnds. For a drop of 18-19 pounds, twelve of which were a direct result of the last diabetic pill they put me on that got me mad enough to look up, ” get off diabetic pills” and “can you reverse diabeties”. Wish I had Googled and YouTubed that many years ago!

Honestly I may switch to Ketovore which is protein heavy or full on meatovore or carnivore. I am having a hard time getting the proportions of fats, proteins and carbs ratios right. It is harder than I originally thought it might be.


Filed under Food, Health

Still alive, more now actually!

Bought pants another size smaller today.
That is twice in a row now.

Follow up,
First changed diet then got new orthopedic inserts.
Next got mad, infuriated actually with the medical pill pushers.
Added to my cell data plan, started researching online. Watching and reading findings from real scientific sources not just doctor and pharmaceutical agenda spewing pill pushers and SAD diet.
Standard American Diet (same diet Canada)…

Started Keto diet 6 weeks ago, down 15 pounds now.
Considering going to the modified Ketovore or carnavour diet.
All scientific proven and non fad diets. Keto developed in the 1920’s for diabetics, carnavour well that one’s a bit longer by Millenia …

Weight issues started with injuries, sickness and medication I should never have been given.

Puff, fatness happened. Diabeties soon followed.

The more crappy meds and needles all I have reacted badly to. The last new pill was the straw that broke the old dudes back though.

Why would doctors give a fat diabetic a pill that causes ravenous hunger and weight gain. This poison pill also infected me with another 21+ reactions, all negative. Did I mention the brain fog, lack of ballance and depth of field so bad I did not drive for two weeks!

So, I started the above mentioned searches for real information and healing. Keto from the 1920’s I found out about this two months ago, ffs!!! Non of these pill pushers er doctors recommend or even mentioned this designed for diabetics lifestyle change.

Why…. Greed pure and simple! Doctors get a kick back from their pharmacy reps for every prescription they write. So, $$$ over your health, greed and pharmaceutical brainwashing and lack of real medical training and knowledge, all backed up by bogus studies by drug company paid for techs, scientists and studies. Follow the money.

My HC1 numbers had been climbing ever higher and I was doing everything they told me. No wonder! So I was running between 10.5-18 with a few bouts over 20.

Now my 2hr reading is normally between 6.5 to 7.5. The 4 hour reading is either a bit less or a bit more depending on the food and my activity factors.

For those interested. Anything over 5.6 is considered pre diabetes. 7 or high is diabetic.

What does that mean, well over 20+ you can, loose your feet, eyesight, hearing, kidneys or liver along with death during your sleep. I know 5 people who have died in the last 5 years.

Even type one diabetics can be totally managed if not curred with the keto/ketovore/carnivore diet and lifestyle change and system. Shame on these pill pushers over health greedy bastards.

I also have more energy again, less pain and inflammation, so back to doing things, like daily or every second day exercise. My brain also seems to be working better than the last 5 years or so as well. A nice surprise for sure.

So at this point I am at the 6 week point in this Keto/Ketovore lifestyle.

Will try to post more often, I hope but don’t promise. ….. cheers wild_E


Filed under Health, Thought Provoking