Tag Archives: frog pond

How we plan to make the permy garden soon

Hi there,
We plan on creating our forest garden in the following ways;

Look up Permaculture as stated, then start planting some 3 Sisters Garden, the following link is the Google info page on it in raised garden beds. Look to info from
Sepp Holzer, Here is a link to his Farm and info Website
Sepp Holzer, Here is a link to his Farm and info Website
(awwwww well since it took me so long to make the links work, I will keep the double links to Sepp Holzer, he deserves it!)
Geoff Lawton and Here is the link to the Permaculture Australia site

Bill Mollinson Here is a link to a Wiki article on him

They all suggest multiple raised beds, which are really easy to make their way like little long rows of TeePees with some Fruit and nut trees in the middle of the rows. They all put in over 20 variety’s of plants, Sepp Holzer uses his own special blend of seeds which contain over 40+ varieties of seeds. They just scatter the seeds in randomly or plant some in a loose pattern and cover with a thin layer of topsoil. So it becomes a Bordello instead of just the 3 sisters, the more the merrier.

You do need to follow a few simple permaculture rules;
water is needed in the swails to help sustain the raised beds
you need plants of varying rood depth and varying heights mixed all together
some deep rooting fruit and nut trees in the middle of the swails will help with pulling up deep moisture, creating shade and lead to long term food production.
create some self sustaining Frog ponds at first
longer term you want some self sustaining frog and fish ponds
rocks are your friends, they help bring and keep the heat, provide moisture underneath and a hiding area for beneficial insects and reptiles
worms are your friends, lots and lots and lots of worms.

Put in a wee frog pond, with some water plants in the middle of it all, put rocks and some stumps in the water, add Frogs and watch what happens, quite interesting.
For some info on the Frog pond watch the Lecture Series #5 by Will Hooker Prof. NCS in the USA – follow through to a great and interesting presentation and video series on Permaculture

Edited 5 times to make the links work, I am not sure why WordPress Hickoped like that, so I did the link manually, and now they work.
cheers WildE

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Filed under Blog post, Food, Permaculture